The Spiritual War On Men (And how to win it!)
As I mentioned in my previous article, men, women and children are being waged war on and the battlefield is our mind,body and spirit. I...

Twin Flames and Disruptive Energy. Healing The Union Within. There is always what Ascension guide Lindy Cowling labeled disruptive energy...

The Return To The Beloved
You are suffering because you made this path about a person. You believe the person is the key to divine love and connection, so without...

The Twin Flame Mission - Spiritual Beacons Of Light
The Twin Flame Mission begins in childhood by taking on all dysfunctional ancestral patterns, programs, templates, belief systems,...

Twin Flames & The spiritual War On The Family Unit
How is the ongoing spiritual war on the family unit affecting the twin flame journey? For so long we have heard that the Twin Flame...

The Ultimate Spiritual Experience is Lucidity Not Love
True Spiritual Freedom Comes From Within Not From A Teacher. This is the age of the end of Gurus, it is time to become your own Guru. In...

Why Twin Flames can never be in a relationship
Twin flames can never be in a relationship as they are the template holders for the new way of loving, relating and creating...

The Spiritual War On Women (and how to win it!)
WE are ALL being waged war on by our culture and our society, men, women and children alike, no matter our country, our creed or skin...

Awakening Cosmic Christ Consciousness
Achieving Cosmic Consciousness or Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness means realizing that we are the cosmic mind, we are God...

Twin Flames Alchemy - Hieros Gamos - The Union WIthin
Twin flames are the most misunderstood and misinterpreted spiritual experience and label of the spiritual community. Everyone has their...

Twin Flames - Beyond The Belief System
Twin Flames, is a label that was forged deep in the embers of religion and brought forth through the filters, perception and limited...

every human being has their own unique energetic constitution.this subtle energy circulates life force throughout the body via three...

One Minute Meditations
"When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a candle in a windless place."- Bhagavad Gita