Why Twin Flames can never be in a relationship

Twin flames can never be in a relationship as they are the template holders for the new way of loving, relating and creating partnerships, they are the template holders for Sacred Union and they can only ever create a Union together, at first partnership that transcends into Union. What this means is that the old way of creating relationships will not be possible for those who resonate with the label and experience of twin flames, they have to create the new way or they will struggle, suffer and eventually break up. This is why so many of you are in separation. Your ideas and belief systems surrounding love and relationships are of the previous template, including getting intoxicated by your ideas of love and what love and your lover can do for you and this idea that love is the solution to everything, that love is the highest vibrational consciousness and "The Hungry Ghost" love programming sold to us by Hollywood.

Paradiso ( Italian: [paraˈdiːzo]; Italian for "Paradise" or "Heaven") is the third and final part of Dante 's Divine Comedy, following the Inferno and the Purgatorio. It is an allegory telling of Dante's journey through Heaven, guided by Beatrice, who symbolises theology.
My interpretation of this as a Twin Flame, is a set of True Twin Flames being in zero point energy at the source of their own creation, co creating their reality from a shared unified field. It is a completely different energy than a "relationship" template.
Twin Flames can never make their connection a traditional relationship. It’s an impossibility, the more they try they more they hurt themselves and their energy field, also known as the unified field. In regular relationships two people come together with each their separate unified field, while in a soul to soul connection the unified fields merge into one, becoming one unified field. This is the reason for a traditional relationship not working out for them. Due to these circumstances, the mechanics and dynamics of their partnership is a completely different one than what they have experienced in the past, relationship teachings or polarity teachings will not be of use to them. They have to go above and beyond.

A shared Unified Field, or in other words a Sacred Union needs to be created through a new understanding of partnerships, so we let go off the word relationship all together. It no longer suffice to describe what they are experiencing. Not even close. There is no such thing as a twin flame relationship, a teacher of the Twin Flame experience should by all means know such things, such very profound distinctions to what sets a Twin Flame Connection apart from a common connection. Because they share a unified field, they are both accountable for what goes in and out of their field, the energy they produce, lose or take on. How this works, is if one of them is depressed, they both have to clear the depression, if one them is using stimulants, both of them are affected negatively, if one of them is eating poorly, not exercising properly, not working on being lucid and spiritually accountable, they both suffer the consequences within their shared unified field.
It is a much greater responsibility to be your best selves in a Sacred Union. It demands full spiritual accountability of mind, body and spirit.
Thusly, they will enter a process of alchemy and maturing, that results in spiritual maturity, so that they both can embody their highest version of self, in full authenticity expressed through their divine blueprint.

This is why most seem to be struggling with this kind of connection, they simply don’t understand the mechanics of sacred union as opposed to relationships. And it will take some time to get it right even once you do know and understand as it is a great undertaking to become fully spiritual accountable. Which is why many go back to common relationships with others who can play out the old relationship template with them and stay in their dysfunctional patterns, habits and behaviors.
It has then become a battle between the egoic self and the soul self and the egoic self must have the upper hand, addictions are often involved,
such as sex addiction, drug addiction and other means of distractions from the soul self and the higher self consciousness. It’s of course their free will and choice and opposed to what the twin flame community and their religion teaches you, the other graduate soul who is committed to their process of alchemy and their divine blueprint can find another graduate soul to co-create a union with from a shared unified field. This is why many of you don’t feel your twin flame anymore or experience a shared unified field anymore, because the merge was not completed and you are free to go create a new connection with someone who is willing. Free will can make a soul contract null and void, So powerful is our will and our soul self.

Some of you will never see who you believe to be your “twin flame” again and you have to be ok with that, you will always create a sacred union if you so wish, as that is the template you hold, but be open to it not being with the one you have an unhealthy attachment towards or even an obsession with, let go and see what the universe has in store for you. You may come to be pleasantly surprised, as there is so much beauty to be experienced on the path of heart. A longing heart must be healed, as it is not coming from a balanced place and not from the soul, but from a wound of lack and hurt. Creating from such a wound will only create more lack and hurt, so seeking healing would be wise if you wish to manifest your dreams and live a life you love.
The only way to evolve on this path and move into the last stages of this experience is to surrender the twin and let go off your need for them, heal the longing, heal the hungry ghost within. Once that is done you will move into Radiance, into Illumination and eventually Harmonize with your own inner masculine or feminine energy and become a unified being, a person in union with the Divine, a true living Mystic experiencing Mystical Union With Source Creator. Many naturally struggle to heal themselves as it is a very challenging process and it is not called The Great Work for nothing, so it would be well advised to seek out True Twin Flames who have come into Union Within, not necessarily a couple, as there are many brilliant twin flames who are on a Solo Mission and would have infinitely more to offer you than a set of fake twin flames up on you tube who are teaching the false twin flame relationships.
But many of you are sold on the idea of them and their "union" and you willingly template and program yourself with their delusional ideas, belief systems and toxic programming from the new age machine.
Many of them are also mentally ill due to their inflamed mental body and its downright dangerous to allow this inflammation to pass on to your own mental body, energy is contagious after all and you should be mindful of the company you keep, the consciousness you read, listen to as it will all program your mental body and affect your creation of "reality" for better or worse, which is how the powers at be creates the consensus reality through TV, Music, Books and popular culture.

Twin Flames are The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy, that is their divine design and so they will always enter a process of Alchemy together.
This process of Alchemy makes it impossible to create a relationship as the two will be deep in process and forced to make it something new.
This comprehension seems to evade the many who teach about twin flames in the spiritual community, one of the many reasons that my passion for this topic is fueled endlessly year in and year out, I am a seeker of truth, a template holder of the real true template of twin flames and so I cannot for the life of me sit back and watch the farce that is sold the many in the toxic and low brow cosmopolitan version of "twin flames", it severely lacks of all the multidimensional profundity and mystical comprehension that is the exquisite, ineffable divine Twin Flame Experience. It is juvenile and immature compared to what those of us who are having the actual experience are experiencing.