She Is The One
She...She loves me in a way I have never known. She...She loves me in a way I was always shown...I would...Be loved...By the one who was...

Twin Flames - The Bubble Love Phase
Twin Flames or Ascension Partners is a state of experiencing mystical love beyond what is known as traditional relationships. The two...

The 12 Chakra System - Evolution Of Mankind Into Galactic Humans
There are many 12 chakra systems online and most all of them are misinformation, like most information in the spiritual community. The 12...

Just Breathe
We sit together just breathing. Sharing energy. Her energy moves into my crown. My energy moves into her root. It travels through us, up...

I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die as everything that has ever truly been mine is inside. I'm not afraid of the darkness as it's the only way I can...

Are you ready to serve an earth angel?
Divine Feminine embodiment is truly angelic energy. More than her beauty, her curves and physical presence. It's her embodied Christ...

Twin Flames 2.0 - The Evolution Of Twin Flames
Welcome to the Evolution of twin flames, The Next Stage: Twin Flames are greatly misunderstood in the cosmopolitan sense. Twin Flames...