Twin Flames - The Bubble Love Phase
Twin Flames or Ascension Partners is a state of experiencing mystical love beyond what is known as traditional relationships. The two...

Sexual Energy Is Life Force
There is a tell-tale sign of someone who is afraid to be alone, afraid to not feel loved, in love and have narcissistic supply. They...

The Many Traps Of Spiritual Awakening
In our spiritual awakening we come across endless delusional belief systems and navigating them through discernment can make a world of a...

How are you being controlled in your life?
How are you being controlled in your life? Food and sexuality are two of the ways in which we are easiest controlled. They control us...

Conscious Dream Weavers Dream On
sacred connections more often than not from my experience starts out as a dream they both dream into reality, it is their greatest dream...

Modern Day Mental Health Crisis
I grew up in a typical norwegian coastal city, where american culture was more a part of our programming and conditioning than norwegian...

A Call To Consciousness Towards 2020
A Call To Consciousness For The Collective of Co-Creator alchemists towards 2020 An acceleration of synchronous events, signs and...