Awakening Cosmic Christ Consciousness
Achieving Cosmic Consciousness or Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness means realizing that we are the cosmic mind, we are God...

Starseeds - Manifest Your Destiny
Most all of us have read about and seen countless videos about the law of attraction, since the secret came out both in book and video...

The Opal Children
There is what is known as the advent of the Opal children. These children manifest without time constraints. They are dreamers who dream...

The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy
The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy - A Study of The Twin Flame Experience By: Ulf Haukenes - The Soul Alchemist. Soul to Soul Connections,...

The Many Traps Of Spiritual Awakening
In our spiritual awakening we come across endless delusional belief systems and navigating them through discernment can make a world of a...

How To Cultivate Your Partner's Intuition
To cultivate your partner's intuition would be the opposite of narcissism. In this connection I am experiencing something I always missed...

How are you being controlled in your life?
How are you being controlled in your life? Food and sexuality are two of the ways in which we are easiest controlled. They control us...

Free Will VS. Divine Will and The Divine Parent Energy
Free Will VS. Divine Will Free will is the illusion that you are somehow in control of your experience through placing exterior force...

A Call To Consciousness Towards 2020
A Call To Consciousness For The Collective of Co-Creator alchemists towards 2020 An acceleration of synchronous events, signs and...