Making It Through The Dark Night Of The Soul
After half a decade of being a Party Boy with the usual party favors, I entered the dark night of the soul in 2002. I felt like the world...

The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy
The Living Blueprint Of Alchemy - A Study of The Twin Flame Experience By: Ulf Haukenes - The Soul Alchemist. Soul to Soul Connections,...

The Many Traps Of Spiritual Awakening
In our spiritual awakening we come across endless delusional belief systems and navigating them through discernment can make a world of a...

How To Cultivate Your Partner's Intuition
To cultivate your partner's intuition would be the opposite of narcissism. In this connection I am experiencing something I always missed...

Modern Day Mental Health Crisis
I grew up in a typical norwegian coastal city, where american culture was more a part of our programming and conditioning than norwegian...

Get Out Of The Dark Ages - Collective Psychosis
As souls we enter this planet as round, formless beings, completely void of programming, conditioning, ideology, belief systems and from...